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Edward Burns Photography

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Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law FAQs

How should I dress?

How your dress is completely up to you. We recommend business attire. Generally speaking, darker colors without designs look best. Of course if you wear something "crazy" we do have to show the photos to the school and get approval for the photo to be included in the composite.

Can I wear regular clothes (jeans, shorts, casual shoes, etc.) below the waist?

Yes. The photo will be above the waist only so if you prefer, you may dress in business attire above the waist and casual below the waist. Over the years we have had many students wear comfortable clothes and change all or from the waist up right before their scheduled photo time.

Should I wear makeup?

This is another one that is up to you. Makeup often photographs a little darker than it looks to your eye so we recommend that you do not wear more makeup than you usually wear.

Can I purchase copies of my portrait?

Yes. you will have the option on the day of the photos to purchase digital versions of one, two or all three of your poses on it.

When will I receive the photos I purchased?

The exact amount of time it takes to process, edit and ship the orders is determined by the number of students who have their photo / head-shot taken and the amount of retouching needed. We try to email purchased photos to students before Thanksgiving and we are usually successful but there is no guaranteed delivery date. We will send the photos as they are completed so it is possible you will receive your photo(s) sooner or later than other students which is determined by the amount of editing and retouching each photo requires not the order in which the photos were taken. If you have any questions about your order, please feel free to contact us.

Do you recommend I purchase a digital copy of my photo(s) / head-shot(s)?

Yes, for a few reasons. First, it will be discounted on the day(s) we take the photos. If you order at a later date, you will have to pay full price. Second, many students who did not purchase a copy have contacted us later to order a copy for their new employer or to include it with their resume. Third, If you parents, grandparents or spouse want copies you can give them a copy to order their own photos.

Will I receive a copyright release if I purchase a digital copy of photo(s) / head-shot(s)?

Yes you will receive a copyright release.

What if I miss the photo days, is there a makeup day?

There is no formal makeup day at the school but you may contact us to arrange for a makeup photo. If you miss the photo days please contact us as soon as possible as there is a limited amount of time for makeup photos before we will be at a point in the production of the composite that will make it impossible to add your photo. Please be aware, due to your availability and the studio's shooting schedule and may not be possible to schedule a makeup photo prior to the cutoff date.

Are makeup photos done at the school?

Not at this time. Depending on the studio's shooting schedules they are done at one of our locations. Which location will depend on the time, day and shooting schedule for our locations.

Can I use a photo taken by another photographer, friend or family member?

No. Although you may have an excellent quality photograph from someone else or you may know someone who can create one, there are too many variables for this to work well. We have tried in the past and it simply has not worked out.

I had my photo / head-shot taken last year but I did not graduate, will you use that photo?

Possibly BUT you MUST contact us at least 2 WEEKS PRIOR to the scheduled photo date so we can verify that the old photo will work. There may be changes from year to year in how we take the photos, technical settings, sizing, lighting equipment used, etc. that can affect how the photos look. Although this is rare, it is always possible that the school will change the specifications from one year to the next year. If it is possible to use a photo from the previous year we will be happy to do so.

I am getting married / changing my legal name after the scheduled photo days, should I have you use my maiden / current name or my married / new name?

This is completely up to you but the name you give us when your photo is taken is the name we will use on the composite photo. After your photo / head-shot is taken, you will be asked to type your name EXACTLY as you would like it to appear on the composite photo. We will copy and paste your name exactly as you type it, if you make a mistake or change your mind after you photo / head-shot has been placed in the composite layout we most likely will not be able to change it without charging for the labor involved. Depending on the change to a name it may be a quick and simple task but it can also require moving every students photo and name, below is an example of a change that would take hours to complete.

A student named Christina Andrea Zarhoff gives us the name Christina A. Zarhoff on photo day. Before graduating, Christina and Steven Ashton get married and she decides she would like like her name on the composite photo changed to Christina Ashton. Since the photos are laid our alphabetically by last name we would have to move her photo from the bottom of the composite (last names beginning with the letter "Z") to the top of the composite with the last names beginning with the letter "A". To do this every photo and name between the last names Ashton and Zarhoff have to be moved and realigned one by one including working around the school name and graduation year. This would take hours and then have to go through the entire layout proofing process adding even more time to the project.

Do I have to use my legal name?

No. Nicknames are fine with us but any name that does not match the student list we receive from the school may be submitted to the school for approval. It is okay to use or not use the following:
• your middle name or initial. Ex. Catherine Mary Stewart or Catherine M. Stewart.
• your first initial and middle name with your last name. Ex. C. Mary Stewart.
• your first and middle initials with your last name. Ex. C. M. Stewart.
• your nick name for your legal name with or without an initial. Ex. Cathy Stewart or Cathy M. Stewart

What if my question is not answered here?

Email us your question at